
Enetebbe Raid with Rami Sherman

  • You're invited to Shabbat Dinner and Lecture with Rami Sherman.

    December 21
    Shabbat Service - 6:30pm, followed by a delicious Shabbat Dinner.

    At Chabad 310 North Main Street, Andover MA
    Adult: $25 | Child: $15 | Family: $75 | Sponsor $136


    3,800 Kilometers of Mutual Responsibility 
    Mutual Responsibility is part of the Jewish People's DNA.
    A Personal recollection  by Rami Sherman 

     During the lecture which will mark 40 years to the Entebbe Operation ("Operation Yonathan") Rami will speak about:

    *The preparations incurred by the hijacking of the Air France flight and its deviation to Uganda.
    * The battle that took place at the Entebee air field to rescue the hostages.
    *The death of Yoni Netanyahu R.I.P
    *Rami's part in leadin the hostages to Hercules planes and to freedom.
    *Rami's personal "March of the Living", as the son of a Holocaust survivor and Jew rescuer and liberator. 
    *The connection between that historic event to israel's present day reality,

    Click here  for Rami's Bio

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