  • NEW JLI COURSE: Decoding the TalmudDiscover the intricate world of the Talmud: its history, authors, and contents—and experience it yourself. More Information Here
  • Hebrew School 24-25 MORE INFO
The Chabad Lubavitch - Jewish Center of Merrimack Valley, was founded with an over-arching vision. Although Jews may embrace many levels of observance in their personal lives, there should be a place for all Jews - no labels, no affiliations - to develop a sense of community, to enhance the the experience of being Jewish, to learn and to have fun. With tolerance, sincerity and deeply rooted values, Chabad can help you find that Jewish Center in your heart.
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Learning & Inspiration
  • How Do We Know That We Heard G‑d at Sinai?The greatest conspiracy theory of all time is materialism. The second greatest conspiracy theory is... Read More
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Candle Lighting Times
Andover, MA 01810
Weekly Torah Portion
Upcoming Holiday
Mar. 13 - Mar. 14
Weekly Magazine
Moses' father-in-law who gave up everything to find G-d in the desert.
Do you know when the New Year of Trees is?
A Talmudic perspective on the eighth commandment.
Why the difference between women and men when it comes to teaching the Torah?
When did Tu Bishvat become a thing, and why specifically now?
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